Your support makes a difference |
This holiday season, give a gift that inspires student excellence.
By supporting Red Deer Polytechnic student scholarships, your money will go directly towards supporting a RDP student. Your scholarship will help to ease student financial burdens, but more importantly you will be creating a launchpad for student success.

Everyone who donated prior to Ugly Holiday Sweater Day were entered into a draw for one of five custom Red Deer Polytechnic “Ugly” Holiday Sweaters! We would like to congratulate all five of our winners, including 2 alumni, one staff member, and two community members! We are accepting gifts to our scholarships through the end of 2023. All gifts made to supporting scholarships will come with a tax receipt for the full amount of the donation.
Thank you helping today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders.
All donations made to Red Deer Polytechnic support student success. Red Deer Polytechnic is committed to using these funds in the manner selected by the donor. On the rare occasion that a gift cannot be directed to a donor’s preferred program, funds will be redirected to support the area of greatest need rather than returned to the donor. Please contact if you have any questions about your donation.

Charitable Business #107878704 RR 0001
(403) 342-3574 |
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Red Deer Polytechnic, 100 Donald Blvd, PO Box 5005 Red Deer AB T4N 5H5