Your support makes a difference



Rewarding excellence

Addressing challenges

Encouraging success



Scholarships can reward the work of students to achieve excellence in academics, athletics or other pursuits. They can address challenges individual learners face including financial need. This type of student funding is often a game-changer for the things a learner can achieve, and we’re so proud of the community and business leaders our learners become. As we begin to offer four-year Bachelor’s Degrees, new awards will need to be designed, which recognized the increased financial and time commitments of this level of study. Your support for scholarships will ensure Red Deer Polytechnic is equipped to support learners for the length of their academic journey.


To donate to the Master Warrant Officer Ronald During Education Legacy Fund, please click here.






All donations made to Red Deer Polytechnic support student success. Red Deer Polytechnic is committed to using these funds in the manner selected by the donor. On the rare occasion that a gift cannot be directed to a donor’s preferred program, funds will be redirected to support the area of greatest need rather than returned to the donor. Please contact if you have any questions about your donation.











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(403) 342-3594  |










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