Your support makes a difference




RDP Scholarship Recipient Testimonial

"Hello, my name is Ciara, and I love camping, paddleboarding, and skiing. I’m currently in the first year of the Bachelor of Kinesiology program at Red Deer Polytechnic, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to study here. The two scholarships I received have significantly eased the financial burden of higher education, allowing me to focus more on my studies and  pursue my passions. One of my favourite classes is Human Anatomy, and the scholarships have given me the time to thoroughly review the material. The scholarship program has also inspired me to give back and support others in chasing their dreams. Thank you to everyone who donates to scholarships, for your  encouragement and belief in the potential of students."

Ciara Tenhove | Bachelor of Kinesiology

RDP Scholarships




Your gift of scholarship has a direct impact on student success. Invest in the future and the community by supporting RDP students.

To view a complete list of all scholarships and awards at RDP, please click here.





All donations made to Red Deer Polytechnic support student success. Red Deer Polytechnic is committed to using these funds in the manner selected by the donor. On the rare occasion that a gift cannot be directed to a donor’s preferred program, funds will be redirected to support the area of greatest need rather than returned to the donor. Please contact if you have any questions about your donation.











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